Ravens Netball Club in Eastleigh started off in 2010 as a group of ladies who just wanted to get back into netball for fun and fitness. Since then, we have grown into a club with four adult squads; Ravens, Ravens Crests, Ravens Rose, Ravens Thistles and six junior sections, U11, U12, U13, U14, U15 and U16. All teams play in the Southampton and/or Hampshire netball league.
We are proud to have been awarded the Silver Level CAPS (Club Action Planning Scheme). This scheme is aligned to the Sport England Clubmark accreditation scheme which is the only national cross sports quality accreditation scheme for clubs with junior sections. It is built around a set of core criteria which ensure that accredited clubs operate to a set of consistent, accepted and adopted minimum operating standards, including safeguarding and protecting children and quality coaching and officiating.
If you are looking to play for fun, to meet new friends or to improve your fitness, we run a Back2Netball session every Thursday 8-9pm (in term time), indoors at Places Leisure, Eastleigh for just £6.00! Visit our social netball page for more details, or book here England Netball | Back to Netball
Our junior section invites 9 to 18 year olds to come and play netball every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (see our junior section for more info on times and locations) in Eastleigh, with great friendly coaches, and a fun approach to learning how to play netball.
“Joining a new club can be a little daunting, especially when you haven’t picked up a netball in over 5 years. From the first session, I knew that this was a fantastic club, and with the excellent coaching, I would refresh and progress my skills quickly. The club’s organisation and professionalism on and off the court, really stands out. Plus, all of the friendly members make this a fun club that I’m glad I joined.”
Rosie - Ravens member
Please get in contact for more information!
We would love to hear from you!